The history of Cycladia through our custom bijoux boxes.

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Let us take you on a journey into the world of Cycladia, through the unique jewelry created by Nancy Karakante, and the magic of the packaging that Newman Packaging created to embrace it.
Nancy Karakante is a creator, a lover of nature and architecture, who finds inspiration in the beautiful Greek islands and the tradition of the Cyclades. With love and passion, she creates each piece of jewelry with uniqueness and detail, aiming to convey the beauty of Greece to the world.

Cycladia custom bijoux boxes

Cycladia is not just a jewellery collection, but a way of expressing Greek culture and tradition through its handmade jewellery. Each piece carries within it the love and care of its creator.
Dedicated to creating quality packaging, Newman Packaging collaborated with Cycladia to create custom bijoux boxes that reflect the beauty and quality of her jewelry.
The bijoux boxes from Newman Packaging are truly works of art. They are manufactured with great attention to detail and the brand’s aesthetic. The kraft colour of the boxes represents the sand of the beautiful Greek islands, while the texture of the cardboard of the boxes is reminiscent of Cycladic ceramics. The gold detailing with the Cycladia logo embraces the entire packaging with grace, proving that handmade jewellery can complete an elegant and luxurious ensemble with Greek character.
This collaboration is a meeting of two worlds: that of creativity and art, and that of functionality and quality.
Packaging is not just a way to deliver a piece of jewellery, but a part of the Cycladia experience. Each box opens a window into the world of Greek beauty and tradition.
If you would like to learn more about Newman Packaging’s custom packaging, please feel free to contact us.
See our similar work with bijoux boxes here.
If you would like to have your logo printed on packaging items too or are looking for more information please contact us.
Photo Editor Newman Co. 2023