Lyceum of Kalamata’s Greek Women: Gold foil printing on sticky labels

Lyceum Club of Greek Women of Kalamata 1967: Wholesale gold labels.

The Lyceum Club of Greek Women of Kalamata was founded in 1967.

Faithful to the vision of the founder of the Greek High School, Kalliroi Parren, the Lyceum has as its main goal the preservation of Greek tradition and the development and progress of Greek women.

The Lyceum of Kalamata is actively operating in the field of teaching Greek dances, publishing folklore books and recording digital discs of traditional songs.

It has a permanent dance club and traditional choir that perform both in Greece and abroad with great success, as well as a rich wardrobe of local costumes from all over the territory.

For all of its activities, it has repeatedly been awarded by state organizations and social agencies and has been rewarded with the respect and recognition of the wider society.

Gold hot-foil printing on round packaging sticky labels.
Gold hot foil printing on round packaging sticky labels

NewMan Packaging company printed 3.5cm wide transparent self-adhesive labels in a round shape, using the gold hot-foil printing method.

The minimum amount of printing on sticky labels is 1,000 pieces.

You can see pictures from NewMan printed sticky labels in “Photo Gallery” category of our site here.

Transparent stickers with gold logo.
Transparent stickers with gold logo

Learn about hot-foil printing technique by clicking the relevant article.

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