Dumb Waiter is located in Ano Glyfada, Greece and contains a new all-day place for coffee, food and drinks with intense theatrical trait.

Its founders, Maria Karachalia and Yiorgos Sotiropoulos, wanted to introduce their visitors to Paolo’s world, who is a Brazilian bon viveur, travel and arts’ lover.
Both the cuisine and the drinks are inspired by the cosmopolitan main character’s life of the story.

For Dumb Waiter, NewMan Packaging printed 15mm beige grosgrain ribbons with dark green printed logo, using the silk-screen printing technique.
If you are interested about our ribbons, click the link.
If you want to compare our printed ribbons and see the prices, click here.
If you are still confused of what ribbon to print, feel free to check our portfolio with previous projects.

Learn about silk-screen printing technique by clicking the relevant article.
If you wish to learn more about our packaging products or if you have any other question, please contact us.
Images © 2021 Newman Co., All rights reserved.