Ribbons for “handmade by Zena Viet” brand

newman ribbon ribbons wholesale printables

NewMan Packaging designed and printed wholesale ribbons for the packaging products of handmade by Zena Viet” brand, with recyclable accessories, clothes and home stuff.

More specifically, upon custom request, we printed ecru fish-bone ribbons 15mm*50m in black silk-screen print.

Fishbone ribbon with silk-screen print.
Fishbone ribbon with silk screen print

If you are interested about our ribbons, click the link.

If you want to compare our printed ribbons and see the prices, click here.

If you are still confused of what ribbon to print, feel free to check our portfolio with previous projects.

NewMan wholesale ribbons for decorating your packaging.
NewMan wholesale ribbons for decorating your packaging

Learn about silk-screen printing technique by clicking the relevant article.

If you wish to learn more about our packaging products or if you have any other question, please contact us.

Ribbons in various sizes, colors and patterns, with your favorite print.
Ribbons in various sizes colors and patterns with your favorite print

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